Friday, 15 May 2015


                    It does not matter how many movies a film industry produces. What's important is what the

movie contains. Today, a large number of movies or films, are produced by many countries. Most of them

are nothing  but a time-pass business or talking for talking sake. The themes of romance, political filth, or

other areas of crime-world are those which dominate the film world. Here and there, little do we witness a

fiction, which is a blend of the unexplored implementation of  technology and a future world devoid of

disasters resulting from violence, wars and discrimination based on race or religion.

                    Thus, movies can play a significant source of teaching and inspiring the new generations, who

might remain untouched of today's social evils, which are nothing but a result of ignorance. Themes basesd

on factors of comprehensive vision should become the basis of most of the movies, instead of alluring the

modern generations with the gloomy side of robotics. Involving robot in wars is one such theme.

                  The movie based on the theme of fighting wars with the help of robot, should not incite the

society to implement the same in the real world. Such themes aggravate the already ailing relations between

several nations. At a time, when good men are striving for creating world citizens to heal the immense social

damage that has already been done to a great extent, the film-makers too, should sail in the same boat.

                  We need to rethink that the precious three hours approximately, are not to be considered a

source of meaningless entertainment. It is true that an individual gets influenced with things he gets from his

friends, members of family or from the environment he comes into contact with. The kind of learning

experience a person undergoes is directly proportional to the kind of environment the person is exposed to.

Similarly, a movie too, leaves a spectator experienced with the kind of thing he/she has undergone during the

duration of the movie. Most movies are produced merely to generate income.

                  It's high time, the writers, directors and producers exercised their brain and produced movies

filled with a good stuff.    

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