If saving time is a convention, it is equally important to rethink that merely spinning a
Spider's Web is a waste of time. Take a look back to see whether the path under-
taken does not take you to the desert of convention. Many a case, one gets mislead
by the suggestions that emanate from the conventionally seasoned minds.Think out of
the box. However, the fact that your experiment would fetch you perils or treasure-
trove, can only be retrieved after the passage of time. The fast-changing world invites
not monotony but a fresh touch, a touch that has never been thought of. Man is
short-lived like the daffodils. Hardly does he realise how he has lived life than life
throws him into old age where he has not achieve things but to repent for the way he
has lived all his life. mere obligations in the name of rresponsibilities, cannot be a
legitimate reason to escape the suffering that would be rendered by repentance.
The thing that can add meaning to life is blend of pleasure and implementation of
the advice given by the conscience. The inner voice is wise enough to give the
judicious advice. As it has lived with you and will continue to live with you. If you
do not act smart and take the right decision at the right time, you are not going to
be the only sufferer but your conscience too would suffer .It would share its feelings
with you when you are in the last overs of your life and with less run-rate.
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