Friday, 15 May 2015

Matching steps with growing technology

                         Mere discoveries and inventions in the field of Scientific Technology,
                                                             cannot ensure its implementation of technology in all parts of the world.
Image result for images of scientific inventions
                                                                  Scientific research may be carried out in any part of the world but
 its fruits cannot be eaten by all the people of the world safely.
                                                                                      Image result for images of magnetic levitation coach factory in germany

As man has got enticed to the comforts and thrills of technology,
 life without it is almost impossible. In an age of globalization, it
would not be wise to remain aloof. Being a part of this world, one
cannot deny the developments taking place elsewhere at a rapid speed.
                                                                            In the world of globalization, one has to keep pace with
                                                                          the  changing needs and demands. As such, countries need to                                                                             upgrade themselves. Without a fast means of                                                                                                 transportation, one cannot save time which  is the most                                                                                     valuable of all.

 Putting in place, a new infrastructure through re-structuring, is not enough. What needs to be done, is re-defining the culture and attitude, is the primary requirement.

                             Only then, can the fruits of technology
be eaten by the people of a nation.
                                                                                Image result for maglev crash

When the government and its people fail to create
a right environment for the invading technology,

                                        Crashed Maglev train

adverse effects of technology becomes inevitable, which may result in accidents.  When technology takes its roots in a place where people are not much bothered about the safety aspects, it would claim the lives of many. That does not mean that a nation should remain conservative with its old technology.

 With the out-dated technology, a nation has to spend huge amounts
 Image result for images of  the out-dated trains of money towards the maintenance of the out-dated

                                                                         Image result for images of  the out-dated trains

technology. Not only, is its fuel consumption high
but also the time taken to carry the passengers or
goods, especially to a long distance, is also very

                                                                         But, things must take a new shape because without                                                                                        technology, a nation would become fish out of water.
                                                                         The world is too busy to waste a moment.

The extra-ordinary speed of the functioning is
Image result for images of maglev train

                                                                           what  becomes the need of the hour.

e, the tragedies would be beyond imagination and compensation. Before embarking on the
implementation of the new technology,safety measures have to be ensured. Otherwis  




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