In a country like India where
small land holdings is common, extensive agriculture is not possible.Here, a a lot of time is spent
to get a relatively less yield.
The farmers till the land, still, with old implements and practices. Even the global
upgradation in the agricultural
implements, cannot find place
in this context.The giant reapers,
harvesters, seed drills etc become
irrelevant here,
However, here and there we sporadic farming activities using tractors, seed drills or some advanced agricultural implements.
This may be witnessed in the Indo-Gangetic plain and few parts of South India. At a time when the world has taken a giant leap in production and advancement, it is time the Indian scenario changed.
The government's participation can do miracles. The Central government intended to start a pilot project in some states but it remained a wish. Let's hope the government embarks on the business of taking the lands of the farmers, and restructures it.
However, the farmers should be assured they would not get injustice in any form. Also they should get a reasonable share from the agriculture produce after government gets yield on a large scale. Only then can we see agricultural advancement being implemented in the country. This is how the fruits of inventions in the field of agriculture can reach the millions of people of the agriculture-based economy. Even the dream of feeding the millions outside the nation can
come true. It is time we thought not about self-sufficiency alone but of feeding the millions who die of starvation.
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