Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Testing the patience of the patients

                       Can’t a remedy be found for the patients awaiting the process of getting admitted into the hospital ?

                      At a time when people are reaping the benefits of medical technology while undergoing treatment, it is again technology assuming the form of computerization at the entrance of the hospital that can put an end to the long queue system. The long queue worsens the condition of the patient waiting for the process of admission to be completed.
  Thoughmany many countries have managed to get rid of  manual methods of getting the patients admitted into the hospital for diagnosis or for other treatments, it still exists in under-developed countries and developing countries.

            It is time these countries too, got their admission system modernized through computerization.

People waiting to get registered at a government hospital in India

                    One of the basic goals of technology should be of diminishing the undeserving pains and sufferings of human beings.


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