Wednesday, 13 May 2015


                  If parents and teachers are not                            

taken into consideration, who else

do we call the sculptors of the society ?  Parents are the potters too.

Their meticulous care                                                                         

 decide whether the pot

 would be useful or not.

Undoubtedly, the primary responsibility of  nourishing the seedling into a successful tree, lies not in the hands of the fate. The very shape of the civilized society depends on the role played by parents and teachers. The duty of the parents does not end just by giving birth to children. The real business begins only after the baby is born. It depends on the response of the parents towards the child how and in what way they nurture it. Also the environment that the child has to be exposed to, should be taken care of. Every minute factor of the environment has to be taken seriously because it will have an unimaginable impact on the child's personality. The moral building of the child has to be given immediate priority next to health care. But, how many parents do give a serious importance to the moral building. The illegitimate reason and a lame cause mentioned by the parents is that they are so busy with the business of eking a living for the family that they do not find enough time for such things.

                         It has to be noted that the child whose moral condition is left uncared can pose a serious threat to the society. It is then the duty and responsibility of the teacher to carve the raw child into a responsible citizen. But, this is not actually happening in majority of the cases. Even if it does, it is negligible. The subject experts feel a sense of pride in pouring forth their expertise which is nothing more than subject matter that is dumped passively. It is time the teachers stopped the teaching that is devoid of morals . Again, 
it is necessary to see that the morals do not sound monotonous and drab. It is an art to mix morals with the subject matter in a way as if it were an alloy. Only then, it can give the right results. 

                          Both the parents and teachers,  remain accountable to the character of an individual. The carelessness of the parents and the incomplete role of the teachers, is enough to enhance the degradation of the society. Then the next invitee is the unleashed barbarity that gallops unbridled. To curb down a large number of social evils, the parents and teachers can play a dominant role. By inculcating morals, and by creating a congenial environment in the family, the seed of good qualities can be instilled in the mind of the child. Thus, parents can be the designers of the child's personality.
                             Teacher's motivation at the educational institution would reinforce the spirit of the child.
The moral touch is the need of the time rather than the dry academic concepts or scientific principles. It has become a common thing that most teacher wash off their hands merely by pouring forth the academic elements to build the concept in the mind of the learner.

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