Monday, 18 May 2015

Defective education

          Is technology not dominating morals ?
          Is technology more important than the safety of the world ?

            Modern education holds little importance                                        

 or no importance for morals. It is more a field-based education

 in which the concerned branch of education finds significance.
            At the school level, the pupils mind is seasoned with academic syllabus


   and learning for the purpose of building a lucrative career.                            
                                                               Thus, the defective aim lays its foundation at the school level itself. Further, the river of this narrow-minded aim, gets  Modern Education


                   as the child's education reaches the higher stages of learning. The higher the level of learning, the

higher the technological and commercial touch is. Finally, the moral touch, which is the essence of human

existence, remains missing.
             It has to be understood that all branches of education, finally, aim at enlightenment and doing good

not only to the student who takes up the study but also to enable the student to do good to the society.
             It is quite unfortunate that modern education is  lop-sided.. It only propagates the technological

growth and its implications.
             Man, in his journey of education, does n't find any time for reasoning.

                                                    In fact, he is bothered about how to use the learned skills for earning

 huge amounts of money. Doing justice to the theories either scientific or social, is also a matter of concern

for some students.  The out-going batches from most of the schools and colleges, are theoretically

handicapped.  The technologically-oriented students are not serious about human values. As such, modern

education no more defines and incorporates the aspects of enlightenment. Enlightenment is a blend of


the concepts and the application of the same for the good of the society.

              Again, what is meant by the phrase, 'for the good of the society' ?
               What are the parameters within which the meaning of the phrase is confined to ?

Today, this phrase has lost its authentic beauty. Instead, a new meaning has been attributed to the same.

Non-sense is defended with this phrase. The people, playing a key role in the world, who are entrusted and

vested with crucial responsibilities, use the above discussed phrase as a lame cause for the new applications

and their implementation.

                For instance, a politician who strives for the expansion of defence technology by strengthening it

with chemical weapons and nuclear warheads, garners the support of his own people and the outsiders, by

convincing them that it is for the sake of the national security. But, he does n't tell his people about the fact

that every action has an equal and opposite reaction                      .

 The fact that draws our attention, in this regard, is that when a nation undertakes a dangerous and

malicious activity, it sends shudders through other nations. Subsequently, the influenced nations too, embark

on the similar modernizing activity,   but with a greater magnitude.

                 In the business of this tit-for tat, we, the people of the world, lose our sense of reasoning, and throw the world closer to the doomsday.

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