Tuesday, 19 May 2015

What is society ?

               All the dirt and filth lies in the way the generations have been conceiving the meaning and

definition of the society with narrow-mindedness but not with a comprehensive vision. It is this


that has resulted in unprecedented greed of accumulating more and more wealth. Jealousy and envy are other
evils that have originated out of this misconception. Further, these evils have assumed the form of wars

among nations.

                    It is time children across the world stopped learning the ugly conception gifted by narrow-

mindedness. They should be guided with the comprehensive meaning that society is not a state or a nation

but the whole world. Unless, the all the people of the world are taken into consideration, the definition would
remain paralyzed.
                    When one comes across the word, 'society' , one usually mistakes it for one's nation alone.

Nothing would be a bigger blunder than this because the term, 'society' knows no national barriers. If one

confines the word to one's nation, it would become a fool's definition.

                     In fact, prosperity or progress of a nation is impossible without the prosperity of the world.

Even if , a nation boasts of its progress with a selfish intention, that progress would be a short-lived one like

the bubble in water. Let your nation progress and help other nations progress. Only then your progress

can be a long lasting one. It is true that such a progress which strives for the good of other nations too, helps

in mutual growth. It becomes a remedy for countless social ills.

                   Hope the new generations would flush out the filth contained in the posterity handed over to them by the preceding generations in all the nations of the world.

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