Tuesday, 12 May 2015


                           Is it not divine to feed the unfed ? The wisdom of a person lies not in disposing the plate with food in it.Image result for Images of food being wasted at the political dinner
One needs to come out of the false prestige that eating the food completely at a formal or informal occasion would diminish one's status. The greatness of a person lies in the good qualities but not in being gaudy. To reach modesty would be difficult as we are placed in a modern context that gives little scope for it, but once attained, it would take the person to the summit of satisfaction. Wasting food has been prevalent for a long time but       Image result for Images of food being wasted at the political dinner
 it has leaped to new heights.

It is time we saved food resources. Most of us do not take the pains doing the extra mile journey. so that food might reach the mouths of millions starving.    

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