Tuesday, 12 May 2015



Wasting food on occasions like wedding, birthday, informal parties or other formal occasions, is undoubtedly,an act of foolishness and barbarity. Status doesn't lie in the act of leaving remnants or huge amounts of food in the plate being disposed. Status lies in the great qualities of a person like generosity, simplicity, honesty, modesty, the power of a person to inspire the people around, with the great deeds and words.

                            Instead of wasting food, the invitee should estimate about how much he would like to eat. If one really has the urge to show his status, one should do the extra mile journey and feed the destitutes who are deprived of the basic needs.Civility lies in stopping the wastage of food, not in disposing the plate with food in it.
                       One needs to understand that a large part of the population confines its life to merely making bread and butter. 

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