Thursday, 14 May 2015


                Through scientific research bicycle can be modernized to suit the modern needs. By modifying the mechanism and by re-structuring, the speed can be raised. Also, the difficulty in riding it during the upward journey, can be lessened. This research on bicycle is the need of the time as it is a eco-friiendly vehicle. Instead of taking up further research and wasting  the precious time in exploring the fossil-fuel vehicles , it is a wisely act to focus such areas of research which can save our planet.Much time has been spent inventing and redesigning various types of motor-vehicles, that pump enormous amounts of poison into the environment. The pollutants getting accumulated in the atmosphere, become heat chargers, with retentivity, that is enough to aggravate the worsened global temperatures.

                Riding on a cycle, does  not mean that an individual degrades himself. It is the character of a person that decides his status. Most people need to come out of such false prestige. One needs to live with awareness and common sense. If people, both middle and rich, come out of their  parameters drawn by illusion and prejudice, a lot of  good can be done to the society,

                                                                                                      Think green, live green.

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