Very little has been achieved in the direction of leashing global warming. Despite serious discussions and seminars conducted at international level on the issue of global warming, very little has been achieved in retarding this problem. The speed with which efforts are put in, is at a snail's pace. On the other hand, carbon emission levels are beyond the capacity of the ecology, to assimilate it. The toxic wastes and several other disposed things that have addressed the needs of the consumer, are discarded into the ecology without responsibility. Some of these highly dangerous wastes are released by the chemical factories, leather tanning industries, hospitals etc. The electronic and nuclear wastes disposed into nature, which lack proper waste management techniques, make matters worse. These stimulators of unbridled global temperatures, not only act as capacitor but also long-lasting. The Action Plan for curbing down global warming in a staunch manner is not in place but the relentless carbon-emissions is telling upon the atmosphere.
There is an urgent need to realize that the more we pump the toxic waste and carbon into atmosphere, the more we strangle ourselves. We are not only leading a life of luxor and greed but also preparing gallows for the human existence.
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