Tuesday, 12 May 2015


                         It's quite painful to see that conservation of fresh water remains confined to words alone. Many of us express sorrow towards the water that gets wasted but do not take the pains of doing the extra mile journey of saving the water by tightening the taps that are left open. It is high time we looked into the lavish use of water.
               It's ridiculous to see  people watering the plants, the newly built walls or getting their car washed with fresh water. Instead, recycled water can be used for this purpose. However, the gorvernment should enable the citizens to get their house installed with water-recycling equipment.
                Even the municipal authorities are not bothered about recycling water. They too, water the plants in the gardens  in front of the office, and on the dividers of the roads, with fresh water.
                Roof-water harvesting should be made mandatory for the residents. All the houses and commercial buildings should be fitted with pipes that carry the accumalated rain-water from the roof to the sink-pit arranged at the cellar. All the people need to join hands in going ahead with roof water-harvesting and rainwater-harvesting.
                In nations where literacy has not covered the major part of the population, government's role in pushing forward the awareness and campaigning programmes, becomes vital. Government should make the roof-water harvesting mandatory for every building- both residential and commercial. Recycling units should be installed on every building. In this regard, the government should undertake the responsibility of bulk manutacture of recycling units so that the consumers get it at lower costs. 

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