Friday, 15 May 2015


                        When can it be discerned that every second we spend is more precious than money. Each second needs to be spent judiciously and intellectually. Most people hold money and materialistic pleasures in high esteem. Having been blinded by the lust of pleasure that comes from riches, they do not awaken themselves towards the more important activities that form the essence of life.
                      The point to be driven home in this regard is that the citizens of a nation should train their mind  towards perspectives that dominate the absurd matter or futility. Much time has been wasted in watching programmes on television or the big screen. It dejects that most serials, movies or television shows are based on programmes which are absurd or fuss, but have beautifully managed in making spectators of all age groups addicts. Absurd themes have a lion's share in all the programmes put together. These themes come easily into the minds of the writers and directors. It is easy to create ugly or futile things adored with filthy dialogue-delivery that stinks a lot.
                       It is time the writers realized that cinema being one of the chief sources of not only entertaining people but also educating them. As such cinema is not a white page meant for the kid of kindergarten, to draw meaningless lines with crayons. A cinema can become a divine and intellectual source of civilizing the public. Many a case it becomes a guide  to lead the public. But, unfortunately, cinema has proved its best as a perpetrator of crime. It has managed too, in filling the vulnerable minds with filthy and foul vocabulary. 

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