Thursday, 14 May 2015

The under-developed, developing and the developed.

                  Is the responsibility of the developed nations only to develop themselves and their nation alone ? The answer should be negative.

Mere seminars and global summits would emerge futile. It is to be understood that most of the countries across the globe still toil with the obsolete methods and technologies that pump enormous amounts of poisonous substances into the air, water and soil.
         Because of the existing old methods of designing their towns and cities, frequent traffic conjestion give rise to unnecessary blowing of horns. This is has matters worse. Research has proved the fact that numerous
 and various diseases result from sound pollution.
          Secondly, enormous amounts of smoke gets released as a result when smooth flow of vehicles is hindered.
           Hence, the leading nations, with their updated skills, should come forward with an Action Plan and give a back push to the nations lagging behind. That will be the role of a wise man.. This extra mile journey
will have tremendous reward in store for the doers of such unparalleled divine work. It will enable the natives of the recipient nation to learn the better methods of waste management. It will redeem the environment of the filthy activities resulting from the lack of awareness in most of the countries. Further, our environment would be saved from being crippled.

                                    Unfortunately this very attitude binds them with the illusion of surpassing the rest of the world.
The point to be driven home is that as long as there is balanced development, our environment csnnot remain a safe place for us to live in.

             Finally, the nations need to come out of the selfish restrictions that mislead them by drawing barriers.
and with the utterances -  " That is not my country. So I have nothing to do with them.'
              Of all these, the fact that we all live in one ecology, one environment and one planet,
  is vital. One cannot deny the fact that our selfish and indifferent attitude towards the other nations of the world, is one of the factors that is going to prove most dangerous to our environment.   .

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