Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Water is life

                     Water - An Elixir of Life.

                                                                                       Image result for images of women fetching water from a long distance                     

Why is it not easy to see the forth-coming crisis, the crisis of water-shortage. When people might die of lack of water. Though, it may rain or a tank would arrive with gallons of water, but , by then death will have already won the race.                       


People need to be motivatedabout the urgent need to recharge ground-water through rain-water harvesting. But this lack the will
of the government. Commitment CPREEC (Editor) (n.y.)
 is seen only in the
governments of a few places
 because this is a social=welfare
 and comes under long-term goals.
this cannot quench the government's thirst for
 immediate showers of encomiums to the government

                  Roof-water harvesting can be a wonderful source of storing water at the roof-top. This will prevent the residents from using the bore-well and also the enormous amounts of electricity for sending the water to the overhead tank. The accumulated water can be sent through different stages shown below :

 RAINWATERCLUB (Editor) (n.y.)

 CSE (n.y.), KSCST (n.y.)

 Storage tanks

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